Diffuse Large B Cell Lymphoma


Understand the current discourse on Diffuse Large B-Cell Lymphoma (DLBCL) on social media.

More specifically:

  1. Identify the main themes related to treatments for DLBCL in online conversations among patients and healthcare professionals.
  2. Determine the level of concern regarding treatments for DLBCL based on search data.


Extraction of Online Discourse

We extracted around 80,660 search data points, 2000 tweets and 5000 Reddit posts within the geography of the US from June 2021 to May 2023, using curated keywords and hashtags.

Machine Learning & Human Interpretation 

Using unsupervised machine learning, our proprietary in-house AI clustered linguistically related inputs into concept clusters. Our team of analysts then interpreted these clusters, teasing out nuanced discourses on the topic.  


The discourse were then sized through search - based on our curated keywords. Search data was obtained within a 2-year time period (June 2021 to May 2023).

Final Reporting

Finally, from studying the discourses, we picked apart key themes and attitudes, combined data points with other relevant information surfaced during our research,  and synthesized the findings into this report. 

Patient Discourse

R-Chop Treament

HemGenix gene therapy cost and accessibility concerns for hemophilia B patients.

Insights & Advice

Patients share their valuable tips and insights to help others navigate and optimize R-CHOP treatment.

Treatment Adaptations

The unpredictable aspects of DLBCL treatment, including both encouraging progress and the unexpected challenges.

Treatment Facilities

Consideration of the right treatment facility, considering factors such as expertise, access, and convenience.

Relapse & Refractory

Exploration of new treatment possibilities after experiencing relapse or refractory cases.

R-Epoch Treatment

Experiences of managing challenging side effects associated with R-EPOCH treatment.

Car-T Cell Therapy

Discussions highlighting the remarkable potential of CAR-T cell therapy.

Clinical Trials

Patients’ interest and hope in clinical trials to discover innovative treatment options for DLBCL.

HCP Discourse

HCPs' Treatment Optimization Insights

Valuable strategies and insights shared by healthcare professionals (HCPs) to optimize DLBCL treatment approaches, enhancing patient outcomes and overall care.

Breakthrough In Researches And Clinical Trials

HCPs update breakthroughs, research findings, and emerging therapies in DLBCL treatment, fostering knowledge exchange and staying at the forefront of advancements.

Patient Perspectives & Data Insights

Emphasizing the significance of understanding both the data and the unique experiences of patients for optimal care outcomes.

Remarkable Patient Journeys

HCPs share captivating narratives of patients' journeys on social media, offering insights into their challenges, diagnoses, treatment experiences, and remarkable progress.

Patient Discourse Analysis

Patient Discourse Overview

The R-CHOP treatment is a popular topic of discussion and search among DLBCL patients, with the highest search volume compared to other topics. The search volume and increasing interest also reflect patients' significant concerns about treatment facility choices, coping strategies, and the need for advice during their R-CHOP treatment journey.

There is a strong sense of hope among patients regarding the future of DLBCL treatment, driven by ongoing research and positive outcomes from clinical trials. This hope is reflected in the increasing searches related to this subject.


Long-term relief after R-CHOP treatment with considerations for side effects

R-CHOP stands as a potent and widely utilized treatment option for patients afflicted with Diffuse Large B Cell Lymphoma (DLBCL). Many individuals have achieved long-term remission, enabling a return to normal life activities, and even resuming physically demanding jobs that once seemed insurmountable. However, it is important to acknowledge that R-CHOP, while effective, can induce side effects such as fatigue, nausea, constipation, and other specific side effects from individual experiences. These conversations shed light on the transformative impact of R-CHOP treatment, emphasizing the importance of managing potential side effects effectively for optimal patient outcomes.

Top Needs
Top Searches

Patient Quotes
No items found.

Valuable insights and advice before starting chemotherapy journey

Patients undergoing R-CHOP (Rituximab, Cyclophosphamide, Doxorubicin, Vincristine, and Prednisone) treatment for DLBCL share their insights and tips for navigating the journey. Advice includes bringing a reliable driver, having a comfy knit hat, embracing hair loss, considering specialized port-access shirts, and exploring fasting for managing nausea. Patients recommend preparing for treatment days with personal items, seeking support from loved ones, and communicating openly with the healthcare team. These shared perspectives offer valuable guidance and support to individuals undergoing R-CHOP treatment for DLBCL.

Top Needs
Top Searches

Patient Quotes
No items found.

Exploring unforeseen outcomes and adaptations in DLBCL Treatment

Patients reflect on the unpredictable aspects of DLBCL treatment, including both encouraging progress and unexpected challenges. Despite successful outcomes such as substantial tumor size reduction and lymph node improvement after rigorous chemotherapy like DA-REPOCH or R-CHOP, some individuals faced disappointing news as radiation therapy was deemed unsuitable. Instead, alternative approaches like consolidative radiation or intrathecal methotrexate were considered to address residual cancer cells and potential risks. These accounts illustrate the ongoing challenges and the importance of personalized care in DLBCL management.

Top Needs
Top Searches

Patient Quotes
No items found.

Seeking the best treatment facilities for DLBCL

While DLBCL treatment often follows standardized protocols, choosing the right medical facility is believed to greatly impact the quality of care and overall treatment experience. Factors to consider include the facility's expertise in lymphoma treatment, access to clinical trials and location. Renowned institutions like MD Anderson in Houston, Texas, are known for their expertise in lymphoma care. However, for cases without complex factors, some patients prefer seeking treatment closer to home, as it offers convenience, support from loved ones, and minimize logistical challenges. It is essential to consult with healthcare professionals to determine the best treatment facility that aligns with patients’ unique needs and preferences.

Top Needs
Top Searches

Patient Quotes
No items found.

Navigating DLBCL relapse and refractory cases 

While the overall relapse rate after achieving complete remission is around 20 percent, real-life outcomes may differ. Some patients discuss completing R-CHOP treatment and later experiencing relapse, finding comfort in the fact that it initially worked to some extent. They highlight the availability of various treatment options and encourage maintaining hope during the journey. These firsthand insights offer support and understanding for individuals facing DLBCL relapse or refractory cases, providing valuable perspectives on coping and exploring further treatment opportunities.

Top Needs
Top Searches

Patient Quotes
No items found.

Experiences with side effects from R-EPOCH treatment

Notably, R-EPOCH has been associated with potential side effects such as mucositis and mouth ulcer, which involves inflammation and ulceration of the mucous membranes. Patients share their experiences and offer insights into managing this challenging side effect. Additionally, rare occurrences such as heart failure or pulmonary embolism are also warned by patients . The use of intrathecal methotrexate as part of the R-EPOCH protocol may introduce its own set of associated side effects and unpleasant feeling. It is important for patients to be aware of these potential side effects and to consult with their healthcare team for personalized information and support in managing them effectively.

Top Needs
Top Searches

Patient Quotes
No items found.

Unveiling the potential of CAR-T Cell Therapy in DLBCL treatment

DLBCL patients discuss the remarkable potential of CAR-T cell therapy as a game-changer in their treatment journey. CAR-T therapy involves genetically modifying a patient's T cells to target CD19-positive cancer cells. Patients exchange stories of significant tumor reduction, improved response rates, and prolonged remission periods. CAR-T therapy is considered a viable option for relapsed/refractory DLBCL, even for those who have undergone prior chemotherapy or are considered high-risk. These conversations highlight the transformative nature of CAR-T cell therapy, providing hope and driving exploration into this innovative treatment approach.

Top Needs
Top Searches

Patient Quotes
No items found.

Hope and anticipation on DLBCL clinical trials

Patient discussions reveal a growing interest in the potential of clinical trials, particularly in the context of CAR-T therapy, bispecifics, and antibodies. CAR-T therapy, which targets CD30, has garnered significant attention as a promising approach for achieving long-term remission. Patients are also expressing curiosity and hope in the use of bispecifics and antibodies as potential treatments for DLBCL. These innovative therapies offer a glimpse of possibilities for improved outcomes and better management of the disease. The experiences and insights shared by patients emphasize the importance of clinical trials in exploring novel avenues of treatment and driving progress in the fight against DLBCL.

Top Needs
Top Searches

Patient Quotes
No items found.
Patient Quotes
No items found.

HCP Discourse Analysis


Optimizing treatment approaches for DLBCL patients

HCPs play a crucial role in optimizing treatment approaches for DLBCL patients. Through online platforms, they share valuable insights and strategies to enhance patient outcomes.

One common theme is the use of pre-phase treatment, such as steroids, to manage symptoms and improve treatment efficacy. HCPs discuss the benefits of pre-phase treatment in DLBCL management, including symptom mitigation and enhanced treatment tolerability. Additionally, they highlight the importance of personalized treatment approaches, such as mini RCHOP, which involves gradually escalating doses in subsequent cycles if tolerated. 

By sharing their experiences and strategies, HCPs provide valuable guidance to their peers and contribute to the continuous improvement of DLBCL treatment approaches.


Insights on revolutionary advances in DLBCL treatment

HCPs are at the forefront of sharing breakthroughs and advancements in DLBCL treatment on social media platforms. 

They discuss the latest research findings, clinical trials, and emerging therapies, providing valuable insights to their colleagues and the broader medical community. Topics of interest include novel agents like Polatuzumab and their potential implications for DLBCL treatment. HCPs highlight the benefits of these advancements, such as improved progression-free survival and novel targeted approaches. 

By disseminating knowledge and engaging in online discussions, HCPs contribute to the understanding and adoption of revolutionary DLBCL treatment approaches.


Listening to patients and evidence-based insights in DLBCL care 

According to some HCPs, active engagement with patients and data reveals important insights. 

HCPs highlight the need for open and honest communication, seeking patients' permission to be truthful and realistic about treatment outcomes. They acknowledge the importance of long-term follow-up data that reveal the possibility of late relapses even in early-stage DLBCL. Furthermore, HCPs share data insights regarding the underutilization of treatment in certain populations, such as the elderly, underscoring the need for improved access to care. 

By integrating patient perspectives and data-driven insights, HCPs strive to provide patient-centered care and enhance DLBCL treatment outcomes.


A glimpse into the journeys of DLBCL patients

Remarkable stories of patients' journeys are being shared by compassionate healthcare professionals (HCPs) on social media. 

These captivating narratives provide insights into the challenges faced by patients, their diagnoses, treatment experiences, and the progress they make along the way. HCPs delve into the emotional aspects surrounding diagnostic scans, acknowledging the anxiety and nerve-wracking nature of these moments for both patients and their loved ones. However, they also express their genuine joy in sharing the remarkable progress achieved by patients, offering a source of inspiration and hope.

By sharing these authentic experiences, HCPs provide a deeper understanding of the treatment options available and offer hope to both patients and fellow healthcare professionals involved in DLBCL care.



Key Points
Implications & Needs

Side effects management

Dealing with the potential side effects of R-CHOP and R-EPOCH treatments, such as fatigue,nausea, constipation, and mouth ulcers, which can significantly impact patients' well-being.

  • Development of comprehensive resources and guidelines for managing treatment-related side effects effectively.
  • Education and support from healthcare professionals to help patients understand and navigate potential side effects.
  • Access to comprehensive care plans and interventions to alleviate discomfort and enhance patients’ treatment experience.

Advice and recommendation

Challenge of accessing comprehensive and reliable information about treatment facilities, and seeking advice and recommendations from individuals with firsthand experience.

  • Provision of comprehensive information about treatment facilities, their expertise, and patient reviews to make informed decision-making.
  • Patient support groups and peer-to-peer networks to share experiences and exchange advice.

Treatment adjustment

Navigating treatment adjustments in relapse, refractory cases, and consolidative treatments.

  • Access to information and resources about treatment adjustment options, including relapse management strategies and alternative therapies.
  • Collaboration between patients, caregivers, and healthcare providers to make informed decisions, set realistic expectations, and optimize the overall treatment experience.